How To Receive The Best Cloud & Web Hosting Terms?

The purpose of this Blog article is to provide advise to our prospective customers and anyone else who'd need quality Cloud Server Hosting or Web Hosting, on how to get the best possible contract terms and service framework. We hope it will be helpful for those of you how have landed on this Blog page.
Have you been in a situation when you wanted to get a service from any particular company, but for any reason you found it impossible to negotiate good terms of the service you needed? The web hosting industry is competitive and there are plenty of service providers. Those who do outstanding service are not that many, however. As a provider we hate to admit that we need to politely refuse web hosting services to many prospective customers every month and usually advise them to go with any other company which would bypass procedures or to lower its pricing or business standards in order to acquire each and every customer. We know how usually those companies end, but this is another story. In order to make this article as useful as possible, we have come up with a list of suggestions which would improve your position as prospective customer.
Learn More About The Cloud & Web Hosting Service Provider
If a prospective customer comes to Host Color and demonstrates that he or she has taken some of one's time to make oneself familiar with our history, our business model and more or less figured out what we do, this will definitely change the way that HC representatives would communicate with this person. If a prospective client went to read our Terms of Service, played with the Configurable Options available in the Order Page for any product or service, we would appreciate that.
Never Bargain On Sign Up
The worst way to start with any service provider is to say anything like "I'll sign up with you if you give me a discount". Well, we know that people like paying as little as possible for anything. However, any company which is committed to quality service deserves to be valued. At the end of the day, what matters in the web hosting industry is clients to receive stable IT services and to use providers that pay attention to details. If a prospective customer is focused mainly on lowering the service price, one very much depreciates the provider's business. It is a bad idea do depreciate any business, so don't start like that.
Think About How To Drive More Business
Instead of thinking about how to save few dollars on your web hosting bill, which is probably fairly low anyway, you'd better focus on what would happen in a very near future when your business starts growing. Being successful, increasing revenue and customer base are your main objectives, aren't they? So, why don't you discuss the opportunities and scenarios about capacity increase and find out what any IT Hosting provider would do for you. Some web hosters are flexible, therefore their representatives would be willing to talk about service development and future scenarios. Host Color's representatives for example, always try to give you a projection on what to expect in terms of pricing and service framework within the next 6 or 12 months. We would like to learn more about your plan to expand your online presence and to improve your Cloud and IT Hosting operations, so we'd think about how to support you. If you start such conversation, it is very likely that this would save you thousands of dollars within the next few years.
Understand The Provider's Business Model
Always try to understand your Cloud and IT Hosting provider's business model. If you know how any particular company works, this would make you important and would give you a status of a privileged client. Some companies are focused on selling cheap services in order to grow their customer base as much as possible with the sole purpose to sell the business. There are notable examples of providers that implemented such business models. The result has always been bad for their customers. We'd suggest you to sign up with a provider that has adopted sustainable business model.
Explain Your Project In Details
We like prospective customers who come and ask specific questions about their websites, installations and applications. We are always happy to take our time to participate in such discussions. HC team enjoys working with clients who know what they want and with those who take their time to plan their IT operations. We hope that you are one of those clients, and that you need a web host like Host Color to take the responsibility to support your business. Please remember that the more you tell us about your project, the better service you'd receive.
Respect Provider's Terms and Policies
Through the years, we have learned ourselves that we must understand and respect our partners' procedures and policies. It is a lesson that worths to be learned. Our advise is not to dispute your web hosting provider's terms of service, policies or any other legal documents. You'd better make yourself familiar with those terms and policies, which you probably haven't read on signup, and if there's any issue, just ask for clarification. Sometimes you might even work out an exception, you never know.
Keep the Communication Going
Keep good communication with your Cloud service and/or Web Hosting provider. If you rely on its IT infrastructure or management services, build strong business relationship. You might have just found out that a customer of yours canceled a service and now you need to do the same with any contracted computing capacity. Do not demand, do not enter into arguments or even worse, say anything like "You either do it or I cancel my account". If you have taken any risk, it was your decision to do it. If you have signed two or three-year contract, in order to get better service terms or a lower monthly fee, then you must honor the agreement or to amend it in a way that is mutually beneficial. If you are in good terms with your provider, you'll always find a solution.
Meanwhile, you are always welcome to test concept of this article with Host Color. No matter whether you need any kind of Web Hosting, Cloud service, or just have a question, please contact Host Color and tell us what can we do for you.